Bullets are probably the most important element of gameplay, so it’s important to have a lot of options in place to give us the most versatility possible.



Probably my favourite mechanic out of these, acceleration lends it’s way to things like lingering bullets or bullets that effectively shoot with a delay.

We want a few parameters:

  • Acceleration delay: lets us delay the acceleration
  • Acceleration rate: how much the bullet accelerates in tiles/second^2
  • Acceleration limit: min/max speed, eg. 0 to stop the bullet and prevent it goign backwards.



Changing the bullet’s direction after it’s been fired opens up very interesting patterns, and is something I don’t think is used quite enough in these kind of games.

Every update interval (each frame or a coroutine), we get the angle of the bullet’s velocity, adjust it and set the velocity back.

Area of Effect (AoE) projectiles#


A completely different type of projectile, one that flies over the ground and deals area damage when it lands.

Visual effects#


I’ve also added a few purely visual mechanics. Right now these are:

  • Sprite rotation
  • Spawn & Despawn animations
    • Fade in/out
    • Scale up/down

and I will probably add more later.